The Blood Aspect marks a Sburb player as something pretty awesome. Heroes of Blood epitomize emotional stability despite appearances. Heroes of Blood have power over the Four Temperaments. Their emblem, the scarlet bleeding wound on a chocolate-brown field, symbolizes their need to water the earth with their ichor.
Trait trait | Blood | Level 4 |
Flavor text for trait. |
+2 Mechanical effect for trait. |
Trait trait | Blood | Level 4 |
Flavor text for trait. |
+2 Mechanical effect for trait. |
Trait talent | Blood | Level 6 |
Flavor text for trait. |
Target: | Attack: | Effect: | Cost: 6 Mangrit |
Trait talent | Blood | Level 10 |
Flavor text for trait. |
+2 Mechanical effect for trait. | Cost: 10 Mangrit |