The Rage Aspect marks a Sburb player as something pretty awesome. Heroes of Rage are totally insane, and serve both as a challenge to other players as well as an unstoppable leashed force. Their emblem, the violet grimacing bearded face upon a deep purple field, does not symbolize anything and is just there to terrify people.
Trait trait | Rage | Level 4 |
Flavor text for trait. |
+2 Mechanical effect for trait. |
Trait trait | Rage | Level 4 |
Flavor text for trait. |
+2 Mechanical effect for trait. |
Trait talent | Rage | Level 6 |
Flavor text for trait. |
Target: | Attack: | Effect: | Cost: 6 Mangrit |
Trait talent | Rage | Level 10 |
Flavor text for trait. |
+2 Mechanical effect for trait. | Cost: 10 Mangrit |