Room 208

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The Void Aspect marks a Sburb player as something pretty awesome. Heroes of Void are introverted. Heroes of Void are always not all there. They are the emptiness in all things contained in the shape of a person. Their emblem is characterized by a black aperture upon royal blue waters, representing their need for things to fall apart.


Trait trait Void Level 4
Flavor text for trait.
+2 Mechanical effect for trait.
Cone Of Silence Void Level 4
Flavor text for trait.
Any attempt to scrye, view, bug, or otherwise monitor by means of anything aside from direct sight automatically fails.


Trait talent Void Level 6
Flavor text for trait.
Target: Attack: Effect: Cost: 6 Mangrit
Sanctuary Of Nothing Void Level 10
Flavor text for trait.
Envelops a field around a radius equal to (level score multiplied by 10) meters where the Cone Of Silence trait takes effect, until you move out of the field. Cone of Silence not needed to take this talent. Cost: 10 Mangrit