Room 208

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The Thief

The Thief is granted a unique position in the game of Sburb as they are something or other. Thieves must learn to be more focused on the consequences of their actions, and pay less attention to the image they convey. Thieves must also learn - antithetically - to trust others.

Possible candidates to take the Thief class are Dick Turpin or A.J. Raffles.


Trait title Thief
Flavor text for the Thing.
+1 bonus to mechanical effects.
Eye Of the Fence Thief
Flavor text for the Thing.
Any attempt to calculate the boon-value of any given object instantly succeeds.


Talent Title Thief Level 2
Flavor text for the Thing.
Blah blah blah Cost: 2 Mangrit
Talent title Thief Level 4
Flavor text for the Thing.
Target: Effect: Cost: 4 Mangrit
Talent title Thief Level 8
Flavor text for the Thing.
+1 bonus to mechanical effects. Cost: 8 Mangrit